ADDRESSING HOW ELITE SPORT IMPACTS UPON SOCIETY, deals with the research question: ‘What are the positive and negative societal outcomes of elite sport?’ How can Olympic athletes as role models, Olympic events, and Olympic Success deliver a societal impact? This is measured with the MESSI model (Mesuring Elite sport Societal impact), with 10 dimensions (and 73 subelements).
Praet, L., De Bosscher, V., Smismans, S., Derom, I. (2024). Public perceptions on elite sport’s societal outcomes: A validated scale in a European context. European Journal of Sport Sciences, 3(4), p.8-17. |
De Bosscher, V., Descheemaeker, K., Van Roey, A., De Rycke, J., Derom, I. (2022). De maatschappelijke impact van topsport. SPLISS. Onderzoek in opdracht van Sport Vlaanderen & Baillet Latour. Brussel: VUB. ISBN: 9789072325136 | De maatschappelijke impact van topsport in Vlaanderen (9.94 MB) "pdf" |
De Bosscher, V., Descheemaeker, K., Van Roey, A., De Rycke, J., Derom, I. (2022). L'impact sociétal du sport de haut niveau en la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. SPLISS. Recherche commandée par l'Adeps & Baillet Latour. Bruxelles: VUB. ISBN :9789072325143 | L'impact sociétal du sport de haut niveau - Rapport final (9.09 MB) "pdf" |
De Bosscher, V., Shibli, S., & De Rycke, J. (2021). The societal impact of elite sport: introduction to ESMQ special issue. | Full paper - De Bosscher et al. (2021) (1.65 MB) "pdf" |
De Rycke, J., De Bosscher, V.*, Funahashi, H. (published online 21.02.2020). The cure or the cause? Public opinions of elite sports’ societal benefits and harms. Sport in Society. | Read abstract |
Seguí-Urbaneja, J, Inglés, E, Alcaraz, S. De Bosscher, V. (2020). La metáfora de la pirámide deportiva: el efecto trickle down y up en España. [Sport pyramid metaphor: trickle down and up effect in Spain. ] La Revista Internacional de Medicina y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte, 20(77). | Read abstract |
De Rycke, J., De Bosscher, V.*, Funahashi H., Sotiriadou, P. (2019). Public Perceptions of the Societal Impact of Elite Sport: Scale Development and Testing. Journal of Sport Management, 33 (6), 560-571. | Read abstract |
De Rycke, J., De Bosscher, V* (2019). Mapping the potential societal impacts triggered by elite sport: a conceptual framework, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Volume 11 Issue 3, 485-502. | Read abstract |
Funahashi, H., De Bosscher, V., Mano, Y. (2015). Understanding public acceptance of elite sport policy in Japan: A structural equation modelling approach. European Sport Management Quarterly, 15, 4, 478-504. | Full paper--Funahashi et al.(2015) (628.82 KB) "pdf" |
De Bosscher, V., Sotiriadou, P., van Bottenburg, M. (2013). Scrutinizing the sport pyramid metaphor: an examination of the relationship between elite success and mass participation in Flanders. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 3, 319-341. | Full paper-De Bosscher et al.(2013) (708.28 KB) "pdf" |