Research on elite sport policy tends to focus on the policy factors that can influence success. Even though policies drive the management of organizational resources, the organizational capacity op countries in specific sports to allocate resources remains unclear. The participating sport systems demonstrate diverse resource configurations, especially in relation to program centralization, athlete development and funding prioritization. The studies in this research line have implications for high performance managers’ and policy makers’ approach to strategic management and planning for organizational resources in elite sport.
1. Organisational capacity in elite athletics. A comparison of resource configurations in four countries. In this study, the organizational capacity of five sport systems in athletics (Belgium (separated into Flanders and Wallonia), Canada, Finland and the Netherlands) where identifief and evaluated. Organizational capacity was evaluated by using the organizational resources and first-order capabilities framework (Truyens, De Bosscher, Heyndels & Westerbeek, 2014). Composite indicators and a configuration analysis were used to collect and analyze data from a questionnaire and documents.
2. The role of elite sport policies, pathways and inter-organisational relationships in developing elite tennis players.
3. High-performance judo: organizational factors influencing the international sporting success. The objective of this research was to identify the organizational factors influencing the international sporting success in international high-performance Judo. Organizational factors were understood as manageable factor in system. This concept is originally from Systems Theory, which define “systems” as a whole, comprising interrelated elements that are integrated to accomplish a clearly defined objective. Systems Theory and other studies on high-performance sport policies (in this case, mainly the SPLISS model) could contribute to the perception of the systemic elements that influence the sports development and the organizational factors of the international sporting success.