The primary aim of this research project is to develop a global understanding surrounding the factors influencing and optimising the successful development of sport policies both at the national elite sport system (research project 1) and the athlete development level (research project 2). The intention is to use this knowledge to inform stakeholders working towards improving the elite sporting climate in which Paralympic athletes train and develop as well as towards international Paralympic sporting success.
Through engagement of key Para sport stakeholders, Para-SPLISS aims to develop an international network providing a communication platform that:
- Strengthens relationships between governments, researchers, and stakeholders of the Paralympic movement.
- Encourages knowledge sharing on best management practices towards the development and implementation of Paralympic sport policies.
- Understand the overall context of Para sport and the specific disability-related factors that underpins the development of sports policy and support services necessary to shape Para athletes’ career pathways and the involvement of relevant stakeholders in implementing those policies.
The primary aim of this research project is to develop a global understanding surrounding the factors influencing and optimising the successful development of sport policies both at the national elite sport system and the athlete development level.

Principal investigators
Research output
- Patatas, J., De Bosscher, V*., Derom, I., Winckler, C. (2020). Stakeholders perceptions of athletic career pathways in paralmpic sport: from participation to excellence. Sport in Society.
- Patatas, J. M., De Bosscher, V.*, Derom, I., & De Rycke, J. (2020). Managing parasport: An investigation of sport policy factors and stakeholders influencing para-athletes’ career pathways. Sport Management Review, 23, 937–951.
All Paralympic policies publications