Maarten van Bottenburg
Maarten van Bottenburg is Board Member of the Dutch Association of Sports for Disabled and of Special Olympics Netherlands since 2010. Currently, he leads a four- years’ research programme on sports for disabled financed by the Dutch Ministry for Health, Welfare and Sport. This research programme includes projects on Paralympics athletes as role models, the History of sports for disabled in the Netherlands, and on different approaches to Special Olympics.
Furthermore, Maarten van Bottenburg is professor of sport development at the School of Governance at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. He has done research on various themes, such as the globalization of sport, sport participation, elite sport, the public value of sport, and sport management.
As author and co-author, he published in journals like American Behavioral Scientist, Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, Leisure Studies, Journal of Sport Management, Sport Management Review, European Sport Management Quarterly and the International Review for the Sociology of Sport, and in book chapters and books like The Global Sporting Arms Race, Global Games and Sports Participation in the European Union. From a sociology of organizations perspective, he also wrote three jubilee volumes of significant Dutch institutions in the realm of labour relations, health care and social security.
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3511 ZC Utrecht