Li Pingwei
Pingwei Li obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Sport Education in 2012 and Master’s degree in 2015 in Sport and Rehabilitation Science (option Athletic training) in Beijing Sport University. In 2011 she started working as strength and conditioning coach with junior tennis athletes. Later on in 2013, she worked as a trainer at the national gymnastic training base of Republic of China. Her research interest involves around youth and elite sport, athletic training, talent identification, talent development, elite sport policy. Now she is working on the program of talent identification and development for SPLISS in the department of Sports Policy and Management, faculty of Physical education and Physiotherapy of the VUB. The main topic of the project is to what extent and when junior success is reliable to predict senior success. It aims to develop insights in the relationship between youth performances and senior performance and identify the differences by sports. In the part time she still works as a strength and conditional trainer for elite athletes.
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1050 Brussels